序号 | 标准编号 | 标准中文名称 | 标准英文名称 | 国际标准分类号 | 中标分类号 | 发布时间 | 实施时间 |
1 | GB/T4995-1996 | 联运通用平托盘 性能要求 | General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods--Performance requirements | 55.180.20 | A85 | 1996-12-4(复审确认2004-10-14 ) | 1997-08-01实施,代替GB 4995-1985 |
2 | GB/T4996-1996 | 联运通用平托盘 试验方法 | General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods--Test methods | 55.180.20 | A85 | 1996-12-4(复审确认2004-10-14 ) | 1997-08-01实施,代替GB 4996-1985 |
3 | GB/T18768-2002 | 数码仓库应用系统规范 | Warehouse information system specification | 35.240.60 | A10 | 2002-7-2(复审确认2004-10-14 ) | 2002-9-1 |
4 | GB/T18832-2002 | 箱式、立柱式托盘 | Box pallet and post pallet | 55.180.20 | A85 | 2002-9-11(复审确认2004-10-14 ) | 2003-3-1 |
5 | GB/T18769-2003 | 大宗商品电子交易规范 | Bulk stock electronic transaction specification | 35.240.60 | A10 | 2003-7-8(复审确认2004-10-14 ) | 2003-07-08实施,代替GB/T 18769-2002 |
6 | GB/T19680-2005 | 物流企业分类与评估指标 | Classification and evaluation indicators for logistics enterprises | 03.080.01 | A20 | 2005-3-24 | 2005-5-1 |
7 | GB/T18354-2006 | 物流术语 | Logistics terms | 01.040.55 | A80 | 2006-12-4 | 2007-05-01实施,代替GB/T 18354-2001 |
8 | GB/T20523-2006 | 企业物流成本构成与计算 | Composition and calculation of enterprise logistics cost | 03.100.99 | A10 | 2006-9-28 | 2007-5-1 |
9 | GB/T2934-2007 | 联运通用平托盘 主要尺寸及公差 | General-purpose flat pallets for through transit of goods - Principal dimensions and tolerances | 55.180.20 | A85 | 2007-10-11 | 2008-03-01实施,代替GB/T 2934-1996 |
10 | GB/T21070-2007 | 仓储从业人员职业资质 | Vocational criteria for warehousing worker | 03.100.30 | A02 | 2007-9-15 | 2008-3-1 |
11 | GB/T21071-2007 | 仓储服务质量要求 | Requirement for warehousing service quality | 03.120.10 | A00 | 2007-9-16 | 2008-3-1 |
12 | GB/T21072-2007 | 通用仓库等级 | Grades for general warehouse | 03.100.10 | A87 | 2007-9-17 | 2008-3-1 |
13 | GB/T21334-2008 | 物流园区分类与基本要求 | Classification and fundamental requirements of logistics park | 91.010.01 | P00 | 2008-1-9 | 2008-8-1 |
14 | GB/T21735-2008 | 肉与肉制品物流规范 | Logistics code for meat and meat products | 03.220.01 | R00 | 2008-5-7 | 2008-12-1 |
15 | GB/T22125-2008 | 汽车配件营销企业经营管理规范 | The operation and management regulations for the enterprises of marketing automobile parts | 03.100.99 | T00 | 2008-7-1 | 2008-12-1 |
16 | GB/T22126-2008 | 物流中心作业通用规范 | General specification for the logistics center operation | 03.100.01 | A01 | 2008-7-1 | 2008-12-1 |
17 | GB22127-2008 | 散装水泥车罐体安全质量 | Bulk-cement delivery tanker security quality | 43.16 | V57 | 2008-7-1 | 2008-12-1 |
18 | GB/T24358-2009 | 物流中心分类与基本要求 | Classification and fundamental requirements of logistics center | 91.010.01 | P00 | 2009-9-30 | 2009-12-1 |
19 | GB/T24359-2009 | 第三方物流服务质量要求 | Quality requirements for third party logistics service | 03.120.01 | A00 | 2009-9-30 | 2009-12-1 |
20 | GB/T24360-2009 | 多式联运服务质量要求 | Requirements on service quality of multimodal transport | 03.220.99 | S91 | 2009-9-30 | 2009-12-1 |
21 | GB/T24361-2009 | 社会物流统计指标体系 | Social logistics system of statistical indicators | 03.080.01 | A20 | 2009-9-30 | 2009-12-1 |
22 | GB/T24616-2009 | 冷藏食品物流包装、标志、运输和储存 | Packaging,labeling,transport and storage for refrigerated foods in logistics | 67.04 | X08 | 2009-11-15 | 2010-3-1 |
23 | GB/T24617-2009 | 冷冻食品物流包装、标志、运输和储存 | Packaging, labeling, transport and storage for frozen foods in logistics | 67.04 | X08 | 2009-11-15 | 2010-3-1 |
24 | GB/T 27924-2011 | 工业货架规格尺寸与额定荷载 | Sizes and load ratings for industrial rack | 53.080 | J83 | 2011-12-30 | 2012-05-01 |
25 | GB/T 27923-2011 | 物流作业货物分类和代码 | Goods classification and code for logistics operation | 55.020 | A80 | 2011-12-30 | 2012-05-01 |
26 | GB/T 27915-2011 | 组合式塑料托盘 | Assembled plastic pallet | 55.180.20 | A85 | 2011-12-30 | 2012-02-01 |